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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  October 18, 2012 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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. making news right now. what was the fireball streaking across the bay area sky? scientists say unusual look at something that happens all the time. millions in california will be ducking and covering this morning. good morning sue hall following your thursday morning commute with a live look at the san mateo bridge things flowing smoothly between hayward and foster city and the other direction. full closure this weekend. tonight someone in the bay area will be $49,000 richer could be you i'm katie marzullo live in san francisco i'll tell you the easy way you can enter to win, next.
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it may be you, it won't be us we are not eligible. good morning at 5 o'clock between the 49ers game tonight and maybe if you are a meteor showers watcher the weather could not be any more perfect. >> but warmer. no need to take your coat to the game tonight mid 70s by the start mid 60s by the end fun electric night at the stick. right now live doppler no radar returns, still following high fire danger in red higher elevations north bay mountains, east bay hills, diablo range that area still susceptible to high fire danger tendencies over the next couple of hours. low to mid 70s at the coast, low to mid 80s bay mid 80s to low 90s sunshine everywhere. >> the big boom has everyone talking this morning.
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meteor shower across the sky over northern california astronomers tell us we may be in for more. we could see more sights like this the next few nights viewers captured these images of last night's meteor shower. you may have heard the big boom or felt it around 7:30. with clear skies and warm temperatures these natural light shows will be morris is ability. meteors are churns of metal and rock that break off from asteroids. the meteor may have landed near martinez. this evening giants try to even upper reese with the cardinals. license -- even up series with the cardinals. nearly 3 1/2 hour rain delay when they came back out the giants did not threaten and
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cardinals won 3-1. >> we would have loved to get this game. >> we had our chances. we couldn't get that one more hit that really would have done a lot of damage and you get guys on base that's what you are hoping to do. >> the cardinals have a two games to one lead in the series with the next two games in st. louis. game four today 5:07 p.m. our time. tomorrow zito will start game five has a 5:07 first pitch. nfc west division lead will be on the line tonight when the 49ers and seahawks meet for thursday night football a game we will carry right here. they are tied for first place. the 49ers first division game of the season seattle coming off a big win over the patriots sunday the 9ers will try to rebound from
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disappointing home loss to the giants. it will be a tough turn around for both teams after a short week of preparation. hopefully, the 49ers will come out winners maybe so will you. tonight, after the game within lucky person who likes abc news on facebook will be $49,000 richer. katie marzullo is live in san francisco to tell us about it. >> reporter: it is that easy. this is unbelievable. all you have to do is like us on facebook. if you already like us, that is one less step you can do from it your home computer, iphone, droid, ipad. when you log on to news this is what you are going to see. once you have liked us click on this big $49,000 green button that is going to take to you the sweepstakes page. it will take seconds to fill out the form. that's it. >> you can enter and 7:30 tonight when the sweepstakes
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ends. a computer is going to randomly select the winner. this is all you have to do, name, address, phone number, easy as that seconds people. $49,000 could be yours. closes 7:30 computer will randomly select the winner we are going to announce the winner after the game in our show after the game. do enter it will take you a second, easy, fun the definition of free money so i'm happy to be the bearer of good news. we are at the cal trains station in san francisco. swing by we can show you how to do it. we want you to win this $49,000. katie marzullo, abc7 news. >> what is not to like about winning $49,000 thanks. reminder about our schedule for tonight. watch the 49ers host seahawks here on abc7 starts with 4:00
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pregame show featuring jerry rice and brent jones. game time 5:00. after the game, you can win the big $49,000, we find out who the winner is immediately after. this morning millions of californians, including about 1.4 million in the bay area are about to drop, cover and hold on. the great california shakeout, statewide earthquake preparedness exercise 10:18 this morning, participating schools, businesses and government offices go through the drill as though the big one has hit. mayor lee will take part while on a field trip with third graders. to help you prepare be sure to look at the prepare north cal page at it has everything you need to know to be ready for the next big earthquake. >> this time next year drivers should feel safer on the new
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eastern span bay bridge part of the existing span collapsed during the quake they decided it would be cheaper to build a new bridge, it includes features designed to prevent what went wrong in 1989. >> first we have these giant bands that take that first slamming of the energy from the earthquake right above us is seismic joint it almost looks like an accordian it can bend and move in different ways so the cars drive over at that moment the bridge doesn't separate, they can get through. >> caltrans hopes to have the new eastern span open around labor day weekend 2014. a rescued sea lion will return to the wild after getting entangled in a plastic strap.
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the sea lion had the strap around its neck for four months perhaps as long as a year. vets removed the strap, it is eating well and showed no signs of infections. going to be warm today. i heard mike mention possibility of rain in our future. >> how far down the future? let's focus on the warmth today. >> absolutely. think warmth today, know that you may be able to save money next week by turning the sprinkler system off, rain is in the forecast, but not until after the weekend. here's the storm track, well north, also down to our south in between area of high pressure offshore wind temperatures going to warm quickly today. clear, mild, most of us in the 50s, a few 60s this morning, by 7:00 most of us in the 50s. by noon in the mid to upper 70s at the coast and around the bay, low 80s inland warm for lunch hour heading home
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maybe 4:00, kids outside playing need water mid to upper 80s around the bay and inland mid 70s coast comfortable this evening you won't need a jacket all of news the 70s at 7:00. transition to cooler weather begins tomorrow. it keeps going through the weekend. we drop from 80s tomorrow inland to the mid 70s from the mid 70s around to upper 60s from upper 60s to barely 60 by sunday at the coast if you like sunny beaches today is one of the better days. good morning. golden gate bridge fog-free, clear, pretty, nice drive earlier roadwork being picked the northern end of the span not affecting your drive southbound to the toll. san jose north 87 past the hp pavillion julian exit you can see light traffic at the limit new problem westbound 780 at southampton, car flipped wrong
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direction and it is blocking the off-ramp. chp and emergency crews on scene. in san francisco pardon me marin county south and north 101 extensive roadwork repaving continues until 6:00 this morning. you can see traffic slow past the village in cortamadera there. when you are out and about this weekend with the closure of the san mateo bridge and of course it is 49er game day here, abc7 waze app to get around potential nightmares, it is a free app. you are looking at san francisco bay shore freeway, it is light. 5:10. which would you rather have a better boss or a raise? results from a new study may surprise you, next. new report reveals discrepancy between how much wages grew for state employees and the average worker in california. i moved to new york to work in fashion.
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i came here with just a suitcase, maybe two. and luckily i found an apartment just three blocks away from t.j.maxx, which was perfect because i needed everything and i still needed to make rent. t.j.maxx is such a great place cause i know when i go in there i'm gonna score. they've got such great deals on all my favorite brands. fashion direct from designers. savings direct to you. this maxxinista can make it anywhere. t.j.maxx. let us make a maxxinista out of you.
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beautiful picture from sutro tower looking down on san francisco to the east bay hills, no fog offshore wind is back so are warmer than average temperatures. chance of rain in the forecast. first more news. 5:13. new this morning, boy scouts of america are set to release so-called perversion files
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that document 24 years of information of sex abuse within the organization. the release after a two year legal fight to keep those files confidential. expected 20,000 page document covers information from 1965 to 1985 the boy scouts can kept files on suspected pedophiles for more than 100 years. many have seen their paychecks shrink there's a good chance those folks don't work for the state. compensation for state workers grew by 23% between 2005 and this year. that compares to 10% for private sector employees. one taxpayerers group blames rising salaries. >> the state employees have -- have received compensation increases not found in the private sector and that's one of the reasons we found ourselves in perennial deficit situations. >> union leaders claim rank
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and file employees face furlough days, pay cuts and reduced -- >> the number of foreclosures in california has fallen to the lowest level since the early stages of the great recession. foreclosure activity in the bay area didn't 30 fine% from last year. the -- 39% from last year. most americans will be happy with a raise. however, there's one change at work most would take over a bigger paycheck. new poll asked 1,000 american workers would you rather have a pay razor better boss? a whopping 65% -- said they would go for a new boss, 35% would take the money that goes to show that a lot of people think money cannot buy happiness. >> you can rent it for a little while but you can't buy it. >> although, this can buy happiness, $49,000 you can win after the 9ers game.
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>> you still have a chance with >> are we invited to the party after you win? >> some said what they would do with the money if they win that is coming up. red and gold here, hopefully, good game on hand at the stick, i know it will be 5:16 you are looking at the embarcadero lack of winds, lack of clouds, live doppler 7 hd is showing how clear it is right now. i think possibly by monday, tuesday, wednesday of next week, it will be a little more active, showing us rain. closer to the rain season not here yet, still have one more push of above average temperatures today. here's one of the reasons why, look where were are starting 49 santa rosa, 50s and 60s most other places to 77 half moon bay. monterey bay inland 50 gilroy, 65 salinas. today the last hot afternoon in the forecast cooling trend
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stars tomorrow keeps dropping through tuesday -- starts tomorrow keeps dropping through tuesday. rain possible next week. today three degrees warmer than it was yesterday in fremont, san jose, concord one agree warmer. well above average, mid to upper 80s south bay, los gatos 90°. peninsula, 80 millbrae mid 70s most of the coast this afternoon to near 80 downtown south san francisco and sausalito north bay beaches low to mid 70s. low to mid 80s along the east bay shore. berkeley 81. upper 80s around morgan hill, gilroy hollister. if you are heading to the game tonight tailgating before hand, sunny upper 70s, 75 by 5:20,
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66 clear night sky by 8:20. tonight a little cooler tan this morning, 50s around -- cooler than this morning, 50s around. overnight southerly surge coming back by the time we wake up friday morning you can see clouds and sea breeze temperatures dropping 10° sunday drop 10 to 20° keeps getting cooler into tuesday, best day for rain. today abc 7 will give away $49,000, the winner will be announced after the game. you can still enter through our facebook page. go to then click the win $49,000 button. after you enter you can take a moment to tell us your plans for the cash. elizabeth p: she would expand her business
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by hiring three employees. first thing is buy my family a house and donate some to charity. robin: i would pay some bills then take my sons on a nice vacation to europe. i'm adopt aoeub. -- i'm adoptable. you have until 7:30 tonight to enter. >> great ways to spend a lot of money. $49,000. now to emeryville, live shot of the macarthur maze, 80 into the bay bridge and 580 coming in, 880 looking good, everything flowing smoothly. once you get to the bay bridge, light, no metering lights no problems into san francisco on the upper deck not a -- problem peninsula north 101 at marsh accident blocking a lane of traffic you can see by the sensors, a little slowing past the scene. westbound 780 southampton car flipped around the wrong way facing and blocking that exit
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from westbound 780 at southampton you want to avoid the area. if you are heading out now, westbound 580, highway 4 and 80. san francisco's richmond district is looking for retail revival with the city's secretary get store now being planned. -- second aregate store now being planned. the new store will be called west city target it will anchor the neglected shopping center. the new target is scheduled to open next october. big department store chain launching new brands and updating others to appeal to millennials. macy's adding 13 new labels, expanding 10 others to entice shoppers of the 13 to 30 age group. examine marilyn monroe collection and runway fashions that will change monthly.
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5:20. how old do you think is too old to become a new parent? >> i don't think there is an age. >> not for this guy. new record holder for world's oldest new father. you will never guess. [ unintelligible ] two bay area landmarks just ended in the national history books. -- just entered in the national history books. have you heard of the new dialing procedure
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for the 408 and 669 area codes? no, what is it? starting october 20, 2012, if you have a 408 or 669 number, you'll need to dial 1 plus the area code plus the phone number for all calls. o.k., but what if i have an 408 number and i'm calling a 408 number?
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you'll still need to dial 1 plus the area code plus the phone number. so when in doubt, dial it out! golden gate bridge from sutro tower notice the lack of clouds, i don't think we'll have flight arrival delays. developing news. investigators on the scene of a house fire in castro valley that has turned into a homicide investigation. the fire broke on sar carlos avenue, after midnight after it was put out firefighters found a -- body inside. they are not releasing information only to say they are looking into it as a homicide. we have a news crew headed to the scene. close call at an air show in germany.
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military officials showing off a decommissioned plane when this plane landed it nearly clipped people standing in its path and it weighs 64,000 pounds. the plane bounced a few times, came within a few feet of onlookers, nobody was injured but they were probably scared. blessings of fatherhood visited 96-year-old man in india, again. i said 96. he is seen here holding his bouncing baby boy, his wife is holding the bouncing baby boy. two years ago his 52-year-old wife bore his first child also a boy. two is all he wants. u.s. interior department designated five historic landmarks in california two in the bay area one is take's bay in marin county where sir francis drake landed more than 400 years ago.
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his voyage helped solidify england as a global power. the other is the old san francisco post office and courthouse. now the james browning court of appeals building. built at the turn of the 20th century. interior department says it is difficult to overstate its architectural significance. following breaking news in the east bay, body discovered in a burning home. why police are treating this as a crime scene. a search son now for a teenaged girl reported -- missing. the outside help oakland police could soon be asking for. >> temperatures from the 70s along the coast 80 possible there definitely 80s around the bay most inland valleys east bay possibility of 90s around fairfield, antioch and livermore. traveling around the country not this warm anywhere else. 92 phoenix.
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60s for most of the eastern seaboard, 50s, even 40s around the great lakes severe weather around charlotte towards new york watch out for delays there. right now there aren't any. here at home without the clouds, san francisco, oakland, san jose on time. flight tracker bottom of abc7 news will tell you all the flight delays.
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right now the search is on for a missing petaluma girl last seen at a park near her home. what police are spaying about a man she was seen with. a doctor is busted for drugs in south bay. police say he supplied illegal drugs to minors from his home
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and may be involved in child porn. good morning i'm sue hall following your thursday morning commute, new accident just reported westbound overturn at the toll plaza, things will be slow there, crews are headed to the scene now. no longer good morning if you are using the san mateo bridge. sue will have more. right now let's begin with developing news stories. >> investigators on the scene now of a house fire in castro valley that has turned into a homicide investigation that fire broke out on san carlos avenue after midnight after it was put out firefighters found a body inside. >> they are not release -- not releasing information. amy hollyfield is just bat scene. she will have a live report in -- in a minute. developing news from the north bay putnam -- petaluma police and chp asking for help finding a missing 15-year-old.
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missing advisory has been issued for her who police say could be in a relationship with a 29-year-old man. the girl is seen getting into a car with him last night a hispanic male shortly after 5 p.m. near her home in petaluma. 49ers day here on abc 7 we've got the game broadcast at 5, also terrific temperatures if you like it warm. >> not today. >> if you are tailgating up 70s with sunshine game time temperature 75°. dropping to 66 you may not need a jacket or sweatshirt unless you want to wear one that says 49ers on it. no radar returns now, dry in fact cloud-free some of the winds in the upper parts of our elevations around the bay area in red that is the high fire danger red flag warning until 8:00.
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warmest inland, most of us in the 80s, a few areas in the east bay valleys could get near 90 around the bay low to mid 80s at the coast total sunshine, low to mid 70s. 5:32. this evening giants will be back in action with lincecum returning to the starting rotation for game four. yesterday, in st. louis cain pitched well but gave up a two-run homer to rookie carpenter in the third which puts cardinal as head 2-1. -- cardinals ahead 2-1. the giants went quiet and cardinals won that game 3-1. fans who traveled to st. louis insist they are not discouraged. >> both games will be played in st. louis, game four today 5:07 our time. tomorrow also 5:07 first pitch our time. football now.
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49ers will battle for the division lead tonight when they host the seahawks, a game you can watch right here. fans are making noise especially with the help of a special band. kira klapper is live in san francisco. what kind of noise? >> reporter: 9er noise. it is a drum and horn line meant to energize fans at games, you can argue 9ers fans are spirited already. this band adds another dimension take a listen to 9er noise. it is a hand-picked drum and horn line made up of 30 -- made up of 32. fans have seen them perform across candlestick park. the group performs during halftime with the gold rush
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cheerleaders and the 9ers mascot. they specialize in pumping up the crowd during tailgate parties. of course, they will be out in full force all day today. you can see all the 9ers fun right here on abc 7. also on our sister station at 3:00 this afternoon there's a special pregame show that will continue here on kgo at 4:00, big game at 5. stay tuned for after the game right after that. i've said it before, leave your tv set to channel 7 all day today and stay tuned for the game tonight. kira klapper, abc7 news. that advice goes for everyday you can leave your dial here. former head of the santa clara valley health plan and hospital system is scheduled to be arraigned today on drug charges. 61-year-old dr. marvin bonham is accused of trading prescription drugs for cash as well.
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-- prosecutors say he provided drugs to minors. the case may include underaged sex and child pornography. authorities served a search warrant two weeks ago prosecutors say he ran the drug operation out of his home even though his job was administrator investigators say he still wrote preprescriptions. >> he prescribed 29 different individuals over 111 prescriptions of typically abused substances, primarily oxycontin. >> he resigned after his arrest he's free on one million dollars bail and he faces up to 25 years in prison. oakland police may be ready to ask the county or state to help patrol city streets major crimes up 20%. chief jordan says he would like to temporarily hire officers from other agencies the oakland police force stands at 629 officers down from a high of 837, four years
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ago. officers are currently require todayed to work overtime to fill staffing levels. oakland is training new officers but won't be ready for the streets until march. oakland police are hoping a new video will jog the memories of witnesses who saw a victim with the men who murdered him. in december 23-year-old charles butler accidentally tapped the car in front of him while parallel parking the people in the car confronted him in the store and followed him and kill him a block away. there's a $25,000 reward. palo alto police asking for your help catching a robber who hit a credit union yesterday. a man not wearing a mask, entered the star one credit union yesterday after 11 in the morning. he vaulted over the teller counter grabbed cash from the drawers and ran. former eagle scout candidate plans to deliver
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petitions today urging local boy scout leaders to reinstate him. they dismissed ryan anderson days before he turned 18 and completed his requirements for his eagle award because he's gay. more than 4 you,000 people signed the -- more than 400,000 people signed the petition. yesterday afternoon we started to feel the heatwave, are we going to kick things up a notch today for the 49ers game? >> fans are curious about in mike. absolutely going to be warmer in most areas today, tailgating upper 70s game time mid 70s a lot of the sunshine, sun will set:27 bright sky full of stars by the -- will set at
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it is not as bad as it could be we are under red flag warning until 8:00, this is as warm as it gets from here on out in the forecast, mainly in the 50s this morning, 70s and 80s at noon, still in the 70s more 80s around the bay and inland by 4:00, all of news the 70s by 7:00. comfortable this evening probably won't need a jacket. next three days changing the wardrobe as we drop nearly 15 to 20° by sunday. here's sue. good morning back to the san mateo bridge, overturn past the toll in the slow lane, suv on its roof, crews on scene. past that traffic flowing nicely towards the highrise
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foster city expect delays at toll at san mateo bridge. golden gate bridge looking good, fog-free light traffic roadwork picked up. north 101 peninsula past willow and menlo park four vehicles, chp calling this severe traffic alert blocking two left lanes, once again north 101. new accident reported southbound near there we'll check on that. westbound 780 southampton car blocking exit ramp. let's look at your waze app this is menlo park 101 you can see traffic spotters looking at complete standstill northbound through the menlo park area. it is game day, download this free app to get around traffic at 5:39. terror plot foiled. man in the. on student visa hatches a plan to blow up the federal building in new yo
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[ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents fabulous but...when i add chicken, barbecue sauce... and cheese...and roll it up woo-wee! i've made a barbecue chicken crescent chow down. pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. here's a better idea. pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits in just 15 minutes the light delicate layers add a layer of warmth to your next dinner. pillsbury grands biscuits let the making begin. deadly overnight house fire in castro valley is now a murder investigation. amy hollyfield is live at the scene. >> reporter: they are calling
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this suspicious turned the investigation over to the sheriff's department. from the outside the home doesn't look that badly damaged. firefighters say they go the fire out in about 30 minutes they got the call 12:15 this morning. they go the fire out by 12:45. inside they did find a body. they haven't told us who died or how this person possibly died. a neighbor tells us it is the home of a retired san francisco firefighter that. is at details we have. we are waiting for a spokesperson to arrive at the scene to tell us more. at this point, they've roped off the street, brought in the sheriff's department and they are calling this suspicious. amy hollyfield, abc7 news. 5:43. this morning the man arrested on charges of plotting to blow up the federal reserve building in new york city is being held without bail. 24-year-old quazi nafis is
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being questioned. investigators say he tried to detonate a van parked outside the fed with what he thought were explosives they were fakes sold to him by an undercover agent. the federal reserve is three blocks from ground zero. nafis is here from bangladesh on a student visa. he claims to have a link to al-qaeda. this morning's bloomberg business report is coming up next. plus this. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> you will meet the bay area girl who refused to let a life-threatening disease define who she is. how she is singing her way to stardom. plus, trade officials, a city that could use more parking is about to get less. surprising findings about vitamins. why they are good for older men.
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welcome back. very warm from 70s at the coast most of us in the 80s a few 90s in east bay valleys. across the state quiet we could have a few showers crossing the border near
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san diego 77 there, 88 l.a., 97 palm springs. 70 at tahoe today, 82 big sur. 5:48. governor brown's push for prop 30 is pulling in hollywood heavyweights. records show the governor has raked in over four million dollars since october 1st, for his tax initiatives, designed to help fund schools. dreamworks founders spielberg, cat doesn'tberg and geffen pitched in -- 100,000 between them large entertainment netflix founder cut a check for a million dollars with . and mitt romney hitting the campaign trail hard today the romney campaign admits obama had a stronger showing and downplaying impact of his comment about having a binder full of women. the president announced he's
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holding an election night rally in his hometown of chicago. the final presidential debate monday in florida with a focus on foreign policy, and we'll carry it live here on abc 7, monday 6 p.m.. young bay area girl with life-threatening medical condition pulled through the crisis and discovered her passion for singing in the process. now she on the road to recovery her music career is taking off. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> she is so good. 10-year-old reagan smith's music video has had more than 37,000 views in less than a week. a few years ago she was being treated after being diagnosed with a rare platelet disorder. hospitalizations, chemotherapy, nothing worked finally she had her spleen removed and started to recover.
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now she is beating the odds again with another goal. >> i just want to go to medical school and be a surgeon on the weekends i want to be able to sing. >> reagan is donating all profits from sales of her song on itunes to the are for pediatric cancer and blood dis's easts -- diseases at children's hospital. >> success is the best revenge even when fighting a deadly disease, congratulations. >> that is so uplifts -- uplifting for other children. light winds won't see -- won't see wrappers flying arm, 5:50, -- first a look down from sutro tower to lack of clouds, doubt we'll have anything in the way of degrees not weather-wise at sfo,
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oakland or san jose this morning. doppler still tracking clear sky. this time tomorrow, clouds at the coast before you know it drizzle, rain back in the forecast next week. for now, still 48 santa rosa, 49 napa, these are the latest readings, half moon bay back in the 60s most of us in the 50s and 60s this morning. 50s to near 60 around the bay, 48 gilroy, 66 salinas. microclimates this morning. last hot afternoon. cooling trend tomorrow and it keeps dropping through tuesday of next week when we'll have our best chance of measurable rain. today compared to average we are well warmer from 9° in napa oakland, san francisco, redwood city, san jose livermore, 10 to 15° above average.
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south bay mid to upper 80s warm spot los gatos you could reap 90 mid 80s to 80 up north on the peninsula. mid 70s with sunshine along the coast today, wouldn't be surprised if we hit 80 in a few spots, 80 downtown south san francisco, sausalito. low to mid 70s at your beaches, low to mid 80s east bay shore, fremont 86, 80s to near 90, upper 80s to low 90s antioch, livermore and fairfield could reach 91. tonight nfl west big game, seahawks and 9ers at the stick 5:20, 75° up near 80 and falling down to 75 if you are tailgating down to 66 by the end of game. cooling trend hits all of us tomorrow, keeps going for
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saturday, sunday and monday. nfc west, thank you, did i say nfl west? sorry, i just want to rule the entire league. by tuesday, all of news the 50s and 60s, significant cooling trend. enough about me, here's sue. major problem two hot pots. san mateo bridge before the toll three of the right lanes this is after the scene traffic light westbound overturned vehicle three right lanes crews on the scene at the san mateo bridge toll. bay bridge looking good, just cash paying delays otherwise traffic moving through the tolls and no metering lights yet. other hot spot north 101 peninsula after will -- after willow, serious accident dumbarton as alternate to the san mateo bridge problem, you are fine once you get to menlo park that's where in traffic jam is bumper-to-bumper, four
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cars involved two left lanes past the scene traffic and speeds pick up. looking at your waze app now you can see the serious accident at willow northbound 101 traffic slowing towards university, i would think at this hour, 280 would be your best bet. 5:54. labor depth reporting the up in of new applications for jobless benefits jumped to 388,000 last week increase of 46,000 from the week before. the increase is a rebound from the previous week's sharp drop and more technical than telling of a pattern. here's jane king. good morning. average graduate from the class of 2011 walking off the stage with their diploma in hand, 26,600 in debt in the other, 5% more debt than a year ago according to the institute for college access and success. meantime, you may want to
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reconsider whether a fewer year college is worth it. the in of jobs -- the number of jobs for students growing faster for two year degrees nan students with four year degrees. amazon starting up two more shopping websites hoping to get more business from parents shopping online. focusing on gear and books for children. and specializing in books for i had -- bookworld specializing on books for kids. bicyclists going to have a easier time navigating two streets,. new bike safety project approved along fell and oak between scott and bake they are is the area now the new plan calls for building wider bikeways with plan terms for
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buffers they need to remove 50 parking spaces to make this happen. new study suggests older people who eat lots of carbs increase risk of mild cog if i impairment. older people between 70 and eight tie nine, researchers found those who devour carbs have four times the risk of developing problems with memory and judgment. mild cognitive impairment is a precustomer or -- precursor to alzheimer's. daily multi-vitamins modestly reduce the risk of cancer in men. healthy males who took multi-vitamins for a decade or more lowered risk by 8%. many previous studies of single vitamins found they do not prevent chronic diseases some vitamins could be harmful. next, one of america's leading news magazines stopping the presses.
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we'll tell you who is -- campaign kickoff to drew the super bowl to the bay area. >> yelp's crackdown on businesses how they caught owners posting fraudulent reviews. the sight of the big game where 49ers do battle with the seahawks this evening you will see that game right here on
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the bay area is waking up after this, loud meteor shower lit up the skies across northern california last night. breaking news from the north bay. search going on for 15-year-old petaluma girl last seen getting into a 29-year-old man's car. >>


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